Read This First

Below you will find helpful checklists for guiding you in registering for the most appropriate class.  Use the checklist questions to decide which class is most appropriate for your child. Still not sure? You can also call 731-431-0528 for assistance in deciding which class is best for your child.

Checklist for Level 6 Advanced Fitness Swimming

To determine if you are ready for Level 6 Advanced Fitness Swimming, you should answer YES to the following:

  • You can swim freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke, elementary backstroke, side stroke, and butterfly without needing introduction to the strokes. If you have passed Level 5 with Carmichael Swim School, you are able to swim all of these strokes.
  • You are wanting to increase your fitness level and refinement of the strokes with longer lengths of swimming the strokes.
  • You understand that the exit swim for this course involves swimming 20 lengths of the pool (500 yards) using all of the strokes and without resting until complete.


If you answered NO to any of the statements and are wanting to register for Level 6 Advanced Fitness Swimming, please call Kelly at 731-431-0270 to discuss your swimming ability and if this class is the appropriate level for you.


Checklist for Swim Camp and Levels 4 and 5 Advanced Swimming

To determine if your child is ready for Swim Camp or Levels 4 and 5 Advanced Swimming, you should answer YES to ALL of the following:

  • My child is at least 4 years of age
  • My child will swim with their face and eyes fully submerged in the water
  • I have observed my child safely swim freestyle 25 yards (75 feet) in length without stopping or needing assistance in water over their head (NOTE:  students who received a Level 3 green ribbon from Carmichael Swim School have demonstrated this capability)
  • I have observed my child jump into water that is at least 8 feet deep, surface safely, and swim to the side of the pool without needing assistance.
  • My child is comfortable swimming on their back in the water with their ears submerged and face out of the water


If you answered NO to any of the statements and are wanting to register for Swim Camp or Levels 4 and 5 Advanced Swimming, please call Chris at 731-431-0528 to discuss the most appropriate level for your child.  We want to make sure your child has the best experience we can offer by having them appropriately registered.


Checklist for Good Beginner

To determine if your child is ready for Good Beginner, you should answer YES to ALL of the following:

  • My child is at least 4 years of age
  • I have observed my child safely swim 5 yards (15 feet) in length without needing assistance in water over their head (NOTE:  students who received a Level 2 white ribbon from Carmichael Swim School have demonstrated this capability)
  • My child will put their face completely in the water without hesitation
  • My child is comfortable laying on their back in the water with their ears submerged and face out of the water
  • My child will jump feet first into the swimming pool into water over their head without hesitation


If you answered NO to any of the statements and are wanting to register for Good Beginner, please call 731-431-0528 to discuss the most appropriate level for your child.  We want to make sure your child has the best experience we can offer by having them appropriately registered.



Checklist for Regular Beginner

To determine if your child is ready for Regular Beginner, you should answer YES to BOTH of the following:

  • My child is at least 4 years of age
  • My child will attempt to put their entire face (eyes, nose, mouth) in the water upon request.  You can practice this in the bathtub at home.  Note:  goggles are allowed for class if they are helpful for your child.  Goggles only cover the eyes whereas masks are not allowed because they cover the nose.


If you answered NO to the second statement about putting the face in the water and are wanting to register for Regular Beginner, please call 731-431-0528 to discuss the most appropriate level for your child.  We want to make sure your child has the best experience we can offer by having them appropriately registered.

Checklist for Adult and Teen Beginner

To determine if you are ready for Adult and Teen Beginner, you should answer YES to the following:

  • You are an adult or you are a child/teen that is approximately 4.5 feet tall or taller (If you are a child that is shorter, then the appropriate level for you is Regular Beginner.  This Adult and Teen class is designed for adults and children who are taller, thus needing to be at a larger pool in order to progress through the lessons)
  • I will attempt to put my entire face (eyes, nose, mouth) in the water upon request.  You can practice this in the bathtub at home.  Note:  goggles are allowed for class if they are helpful for your child.  Goggles only cover the eyes whereas masks are not allowed because they cover the nose.


Checklist for Parent and Child Class

To determine if your child is ready for the Parent and Child class, you should answer YES to BOTH of the following:

  • My child is at least 2 years of age
  • One parent will be available to get in the water with the child every class


If your child is 4 years of age or older and you are unable to decide between the Parent and Child class and Regular Beginner, please call 731-431-0528 to discuss the most appropriate level for your child.  We want to make sure your child has the best experience we can offer by having them appropriately registered.

Carmichael Swim School
